Trip details
The 13km length of the River Arun, flowing from Billingshurst in the North to Stopham Bridge in the South is relatively unpolluted, and owing to an outstanding selection of breeding dragonflies is designated a Site of Significant Scientific Interest (SSSI). The narrow bends and channels of this sheltered, slow moving stretch of water can be explored on all tides. The banks are mostly covered in Water Lilies, Sedges and Reeds and in places have been trodden in by cattle. There's plenty of wildlife to capture your attention and if you are lucky, you may even spot a Kingfisher along the way!
Click here to download a more detailed PDF about what you can expect to see.
Book your hire
We're open 1030 - 1630 every day for self service hires
Group bookings (+12 people) can be delivered any time, please contact us directly.